Unveiling! New Life Enhancing Updates for World Suicide Prevention Day 2023
By: Prepare U
CEO and Founder Ryan G. Beale, M.A. discusses the past year of work at The Live Network and announces two new tools launched to change the game in improving and saving lives.
On World Suicide Prevention Day we like to celebrate the life saving work that we have accomplished and the new tools that we developed to make an even greater impact for the future. Watch the full in-depth video update to learn how The Live Network's new tools can help you and your community!
New Tools:
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About the Author
Prepare U is a national leader and pioneer in evidence-based mental health education. With an emphasis on experiential learning, Prepare U’s educational programs have shown to be effective at reducing the effects of negative emotional experiences, while improving participants over wellbeing. These life changing programs are designed to be easy to implement, and meet national and state standards of SEL curriculum. The Prepare U programs have been widely endorsed by leading psychologists from the American Psychological Association, behavioral health institutions, and leading educational leaders throughout North America. Prepare U is providing effective educational tools necessary to get to the root of potential problems, working to prevent unhealthy coping patterns from emerging and flourishing in the first place. To discuss bringing the Prepare U curriculum into your community or home, visit www.prepareu.live or call us at 844-724-5483.