Prepare U Experiential 15-Class
As mental health education has gained traction throughout North America, Prepare U has been on the front lines in working with legislators, departments of education, and community mental health to demonstrate what is possible when it comes to prevention.
Has the program been reviewed and vetted by third parties?
Yes. Prepare U is the only evidence-based curriculum in the world that has been endorsed by leaders in the American Psychological Association and supported by the Canadian Psychological Association. The Prepare U program has been reviewed by independent experts in psychology, education, and mental health. You can read more about this HERE or you can visit some of the media articles describing the program. We take our responsibility to deliver important and engaging curriculum seriously. Accordingly, we have been in constant contact with leading experts in the field to assure an optimal student and staff experience.
Does this program address suicide?
Our program curriculum engages students in serious discussions about suicide and other topics. While the program is much broader than just a suicide education and prevention program, encompassing a dozen other topics and instructing the students in a wide range of coping and emotional self-regulation techniques, the program does specifically address concerns around suicide and offers students education about the topic and provides them with a range of suicide-specific resources in addition to the general emotional self-regulation tools.
Has this program been researched?
Yes. The Prepare U program has been researched in adolescents in a real-world classroom environment. Students ages 13-19 were found to benefit from the program. Specifically, students demonstrated increased learning of content-based mental health related topics, experienced a decrease in symptoms of trauma, reported better physical health, and reported better overall health.
What kind of support do you offer?
We pride ourselves on offering exceptional support for the schools and staff implementing the Prepare U program. We offer comprehensive training videos and teacher support materials. We offer live support if there are any confusion or challenges with program implementation. We also offer optional, advanced, facilitator training events.
Is this program available nationwide?
Yes. The Prepare U program is available throughout the United States. The Prepare U program is currently in use in schools in 19 states. Shipping in the contiguous 48 states is the same rate. If you reside in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Canada, please contact us about bringing the Prepare U program to your school or district.
What kind of training do you have to have to administer it?
Most qualified teachers will be able to deliver the Prepare U curriculum after only a few hours of preparatory instruction. Both our experience in supporting program implementation and the research literature clearly show that qualified teachers can get solid results from instructing students in basic social emotional skill building and basic mental health skills applications.
Does it have to be in the health class?
While the Prepare U program deals with mental and emotional health and wellbeing, it does not need to be specifically a part of your school’s health class. It can be offered as a part of a freshmen orientation class, a healthy relationships class, a psychology class, or as a standalone course. As long as the Prepare U program is offered in sequence and in its entirety, we believe that it will be effective.
Will this curriculum work for 8th grade or middle school?
The curriculum involves techniques that are designed for students ages 13 to 18 and would be suitable for most 8th grade students. That said, we believe that early in the first year of high school is likely the optimal time for students to participate in this program. We believe that implementation of this program near to the middle school to high school transition will better support a healthy school culture.
Do you provide a letter template to explain the program to parents?
Yes. We include a customizable template for your staff to communicate with parents.
How does this program compare with the hecat?
While the Prepare U program is a unique program blending aspects of social emotional learning, psychology, health class, and experiential education, it is in alignment with the core domains of the HECAT with regard to health education and mental health. You can read all of the details HERE.
How does this program compare with social emotional learning (sel)?
While the Prepare U program is a unique program blending aspects of social emotional learning, psychology, health class, and experiential education, it is in alignment with the core domains of social and emotional learning with regard to mental and emotional health. You can read all of the details HERE.
How does this program compare with a psychology class?
While the Prepare U program is a unique program blending aspects of social emotional learning, psychology, health class, and experiential education, it does address some of the core domains of psychological education. You can read all of the details HERE.
How does this program compare with a typical health class?
While the Prepare U program is a unique program blending aspects of social emotional learning, psychology, health class, and experiential education, it is in alignment with the core domains of the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) with regard to health education and mental health. You can read all of the details HERE.
We only want to give this to a few specially identified students, can we do that?
We strongly recommend this program as a universal program for all students in a given cohort. It was designed to be implemented as a group experience, rather than a special “pull-out” intervention. If you have further questions or concerns about this, please contact us.
Are the books consumables or reusable year-to-year?
Each year each student gets their own personal Prepare U workbook, a copy of the book Forty Days Off Facebook, and yearlong access to premium digital video content.
Can we break up the content or only use certain portions?
The Prepare U curriculum is an integrated sequence of classes that is specifically designed to elicit a series of growth events in the students that take the course. In order for the Prepare U curriculum to function optimally, it needs to be given both in sequence and in its entirety.
We already do an assembly why do we need to do something like this?
While assemblies may be interesting experiences for your students, their efficacy in addressing sustainable behavior change is questionable. In order to gain mastery of new skills, your students will need to have ample opportunities to practice using the tools they have learned. Prepare U combines didactic content, individual experiential exercises, and group experiential exercises into a blended whole that supports skill development and retention.
Health class at my school is taught junior year, can i still use the curriculum?
The curriculum involves techniques that are designed for students ages 13 to 18 and would be appropriate for most high school juniors. That said, we believe that early in the first year of high school is likely the optimal time for students to participate in this program. We believe that earlier implementation will better support a healthy school culture.
Do we need to have you or another professional come into the classroom and teach?
No. The Prepare U curriculum is designed to be able to be delivered by any certified teacher. Facilitators are provided with class-by-class instruction videos along with a step-by-step teacher manual. In addition, we provide ongoing technical and programmatic support to assist your institution and your staff in getting the best outcomes for your students.
What if i need more books in the middle of the year?
We understand that enrollment can sometimes exceed expectations. Our dedicated staff will get additional materials to you as soon as possible in order to support the best possible experience for your staff and students.
Does the curriculum fit into any class?
While there are probably some specific classes or sequences where the Prepare U program might be less than optimal, the program sequence has been included as a part of Health Class, Physical Education, Freshmen Seminar, and several traditional content classes (i.e. English, etc.). Provided the scheduling allows, it appears that the program is workable as a module within a range of different course sequences.
Is this program appropriate for alternative schools?
While we generally recommend this program as a universal program for all students in a given cohort, Prepare U is currently being used in alternative schools. Please contact us for additional support in implementing the Prepare U program within your institution.
Is this program available in other languages?
Currently, the Prepare U program is only available in the English language. That said, we may be able to work with you to meet other language needs. Contact us for a more detailed conversation about custom curriculum development.
Are you a tips vendor?
Yes. We are a TIPS vendor and have been since early 2018.
Are you contract ready?
Yes. We are ready when you are.
We are a large school can you handle bulk purchases in a timely manner?
Yes. We are able to handle large purchases with a rapid turnaround. Contact us today so that we can expedite the Prepare U program to your school or district.
Can we give the program in a different order?
The Prepare U program is carefully sequenced to elicit a curated student experience. We strongly discourage giving the program in a different order or in an incomplete format. Each class builds on the tools and experiences of the previous classes, so we strongly recommend that the curriculum is given in totality and in sequence.
We have an all-boys/all-girls school. will this curriculum work in that setting?
Yes. The Prepare U program can be implemented in schools where the student bodies are comprised of same gendered students, provided they are ages 13-19.
Our school has unique cultural concerns, can you create a custom curriculum?
Yes. We can work with you to do curriculum customization. Please contact us for more information.
How do i bring the prepare u program to my school or district?
You can reach out to us by calling (844) 724-LIVE (5483), visiting the Contact Us page, or by directly mailing or faxing an approved purchase order.
I am having trouble logging into the teacher portal can you help?
Our Teacher Portal is a secure portal for you and your staff. It utilizes 2-factor authentication protocols to help ensure security. Sometimes this can be a little tricky to navigate the first time. If you are having any difficulties, please contact us and we will assist you.